Say HELLO to Sheryl~Runningtrails!
Q. What are your favorite things to cook?
A. Fresh vegetable stir-fry from the garden.
Q. How/when did you learn to cook?
A. I learned to cook a bit while growing up but it wasn’t until after I got married that I learned serious cooking from my MIL. I also taught myself by renting stacks of books from the library as a newlywed.
Q. Tell us about some of your cooking triumphs.
A. I learned to make lasagna as a newlywed and served it to company for years until I learned to make other things. It’s always a great hit.
Q. What was your most memorable cooking tragedy?
A. I put turkey and dressing in the oven and forgot about it until I woke up at 4 am with a house full of smoke and turkey burned to a crisp with nothing left.
Q. Describe your kitchen. Do you love it, hate it, and why?
A. It’s very old and huge with high ceilings. I love the space and there’s lots of room to work. The knobs on the cabinets are very old and I would love to change them but I would need 24 knobs, so I haven’t done it yet. I don’t like the tiled counter tops but have learned to work with it.
Q. Is your pantry organized and are your kitchen drawers tidy? We need to know.
A. LOL! Uh…no. My pantry is small, messy and unorganized. My cupboards are fairly organized, sort of. It works for us. I’m not an extremely tidy and organized person.
Q. Do you have any favorite family cooking traditions?
A. Lots of squash pies for the freezer in the fall.
Q. What is the one gadget (or ten) you couldn’t do without in your kitchen?
A. Microwave!
Q. If you had to take one food to a deserted island, what would it be?
A. Fried chicken!
Q. What is your go-to comfort food?
A. Fried chicken!
Some of Sheryl’s recipes on Farm Bell Recipes include:
Healthy Oatmeal Cookies
Flower & Herb Jellies
Squash Pie
Unusual Pastry
Find all of Sheryl’s recipes here.
Sheryl blogs at Providence Acres.Interested in contributing a guest post to the Farm Bell blog? Read information here for Farm Bell blog submissions.
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CindyP says:
Sheryl, you have so many ideas you share with us! I’m so glad you’re here!
Fried chicken…HAVE NOT had that in a while. Thanks for the idea
On October 30, 2010 at 6:44 am