Oh my, doesn’t that look good!?!? That’s what I had in my mind, but I didn’t have an ice cream machine. No machine? No problem.
Introducing Junket rennet tablets. My Amish friend told me to get this to make cheese. This is not the rennet I use to make cheese, by the way. It is very weak and you need 4x the amount called for. You might as well buy the regular rennet for cheesemaking, but this is wonderful for making ice cream or custard!
I happened to find it at the store (in the ice cream section or by the puddings), saw the ice cream recipe, and picked it up – only $1.85 for this whole pack! It comes in these foil wraps with the ice cream recipe right in the box. I can make 2 gallons of ice cream with this one box of Junket rennet!
How to make Homemade Ice Cream, No Machine:
- 1 Junket rennet tablet
- 1 tablespoon cold water
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 1/2 cups whole milk
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Dissolve rennet tablet in water by crushing. Set aside.
Combine remaining ingredients in saucepan.
Heat while stirring to lukewarm (110 F).
Stir in dissolved rennet tablet and quickly pour into a 9 x 5 x 3 inch pan.
Let stand undisturbed for 10 minutes.
Place pan in freezer and freeze until firm.
Break into chunks with fork.
In small bowl or electric mixer, beat until smooth, about 2 minutes.
Return mixture to pan and freeze until firm.
How easy is that?! There’s even some suggestions for flavored ice creams–strawberry, peach, banana, maple walnut, chocolate chip. Mmmm!
The recipe is very easy to follow and took very little time to put together–the kids could help you! The hardest part was letting it freeze long enough to have a bowl.
Top it with some Hershey’s Syrup or Butterscotch Sauce…

….and enjoy your late night snack!

Get the handy print page and save this to your recipe box here:
Homemade Ice Cream, No Machine.
Cindy blogs at Chippewa Creek ~ Our Life Simplified.
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GrannyTrace says:
All I can say is oh me oh my!!
Thanks for sharing..
Granny Trace
On April 26, 2011 at 5:52 am
rileysmom says:
Thank you Cindy! Unfortunately, the ice cream maker didn’t “make the move” and I’m glad to know that I can make home made ice cream without one!
On April 26, 2011 at 1:40 pm
justdeborah2002 says:
Totally off topic…but is that an exact-ish fact, about needing 4 times the amount of rennet to make mozzarella cheese if you use this exact rennet?
(This is the only available rennet in the city, which I’ve been using to make cheese, which may explain my cheese efforts)
On April 26, 2011 at 4:29 pm
CindyP says:
Yes, you’ll need more Junket Rennet than what’s called for in a cheese recipe (4 times) and it will affect your cheese. Try it again!
On April 26, 2011 at 6:57 pm
whaledancer says:
Thanks for this. I like old-fashioned junket pudding. It’s a simple, elegant flavor, like panna cotta or blancmange. And it’s about as easy as instant pudding to make:
2 cups milk
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 Rennet tablet
1 Tablespoon cold water
Have ready 4 individual dessert dishes. Combine milk, sugar, vanilla in saucepan. Stir while heating to lukewarm, 110° F. Dissolve Rennet tablet in water by crushing. Add to warm milk and stir for a FEW SECONDS ONLY. Pour at once, while still liquid, into dessert dishes. Let stand UNDISTURBED for 10 minutes. Chill.
You can dress it up by putting fruit in the bottom of the dishes first (like raspberries or peaches) or you can substitute orange or lemon extract for the vanilla.
Next time I’ll have to try freezing it.
On April 27, 2011 at 1:24 am
Suzanne McMinn says:
Thanks for the pudding recipe! Could you please post that in the recipes? Whenever a recipe is posted in a comment, it’s lost later, no one can find it again because it’s not categorized and indexed in the recipes!
On April 27, 2011 at 6:39 am
june468 says:
I have an ice cream machine, but haven’t used it since I discovered 5 minute ice cream made in a food processor. Put 10 oz. frozen fruit in food processor, add 2/3 cup heavy cream and 1/2 cup sugar and process to consistency of frozen custard or soft serve ice cream. Can be frozen for harder ice cream. Other flavorings can be added, but this is the basic recipe.
On April 27, 2011 at 3:13 pm
CindyP says:
@june468 This sounds wonderful!!!!!! Would you submit it through the Submit Recipe link so everyone can see it??? I’ll definitely be trying it it once fruit comes on
On April 27, 2011 at 4:35 pm
lisabetholson says:
Cindy, I know this has been out for some time, but can you tell me the difference between the rennet for cheese making and this? I don’t have any Junket on hand.
On July 15, 2011 at 10:57 am
CindyP says:
I’m not entirely sure, lisabeth. I do know to use Junket to make cheese, you need about 4 times the amount of rennet called for. So maybe for ice cream, to sub regular rennet for Junket, try a quarter? So for this 1 qt batch, maybe 5 drops?
I found this on the cheese forum http://cheeseforum.org/forum/index.php/topic,1932.0.html The recipe there is from the junket booklet, too, but for 1/2 gallon. Reading down through there, reply#10 suggests 5 drops per 1/2 gallon. But like they said…you want it to thicken fast, but not taste like rennet in the end product. Freezing stops the rennet action.
You want to try and get back with us on that?
On July 15, 2011 at 2:26 pm
crchotcreek says:
I used 1/4 tsp regular vegetable rennet for this ice cream and it worked perfect with no off taste! Making a second batch right now. YUM
On January 16, 2014 at 3:09 pm