Yes, I took on all of those challenges in one day, all at the same time! And maybe not in that exact order. You know that triumphant feeling you get when you try something new–the high, the ecstaticness–and it works? I think I’ve been having a craving for that lately. The Retreat was the last… Read More
B-A-N-A-N-A-S!! – Gwen Stephani, it’s a song — No? Are you sure? [dancing] B-A-N-A-N-A-S? No? Moving on then — check out my cake! I had never played with fondant before, so this was a lot of fun. All though, my husband did say they looked like blue goat turds. He has a point. Quick back… Read More
Recently, a reader requested a Grandmother Bread version with rye. I make rye bread occasionally–I love rye. Rye doesn’t, on its own, have a high gluten power, so I prefer to mix it with other flours, usually all-purpose, or sometimes a combination of all-purpose and whole wheat. Rye bread has a great flavor. It was… Read More
I harvested the lemon mint last week! I did not cut it all, I left a few stalks to go to seed so I can sell it this fall in the seed store. It makes great tea and spice for cooking! I especially like lemon with chicken. I rinsed it and laid it out on… Read More
It’s kind of a ridiculously long name. But really, which part would you leave out? Simple jams are great, but sometimes the complicated ones grab you and scream, ‘Try me out!’ One thing I don’t like in jam is too much sugar. I like it to be more fruit flavor than sweet flavor. It’s jam,… Read More
Interested in participating in the Farm Bell community blog by contributing a post? We’d love to have you! Posts on the Farm Bell blog may be recipes, cooking memories, kitchen chat, or just about anything and everything food-related. A trip down the pages of an old recipe book. A list of favorite old-fashioned kitchen gadgets…. Read More
any MSG free recipes and substitutes for bouillon used to make my own, as the homemade recipes all contain flavored granules or bouillon which contain MSG
My MIL made the only thing I actually liked using the old fashioned citron fruit mix – a very soft cookie. Not a bar, just a regular cookie. Not particularly spicy, and more sponge cake like than a normal cookie. For some reason, the citron tasted good in this particular cookie. Other than in this... Read More
When I was a kid, my aunt used to can crab apples that I loved. Never thought to ask her for the recipe when she was alive, but a friend has a crab apple tree so loaded with crab apples, that some of the branches are touching the ground. When she told me that I... Read More