Dry herbs and spices retain their potency anywhere from 3 months to two years, if stored properly. I had a few questions the other day when I posted about my vintage glass apothecary spice jars and my restored spice rack. Here are some of the recognized guidelines for storing dry herbs and spices. Shelf life… Read More
Eggs of some sort are always my go-to breakfast when I have a houseful, with omelets being the most requested. But when they start saying they don’t like this or they can’t have that, that omelet ends up being scrambled eggs. Period. Last weekend when family from out of town was visiting, we tried something… Read More
My fondest memory of baking is the summer I spent with my grandparents and my grandma taught me to bake pies. I was forever hooked. Grandma and Grandpa lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh right next to the train tracks. In the ’60s, there was a lot of train traffic, lots of soot and you… Read More
Thanks to CITR community member Murphala, we were recently able to pick a whole bunch of Montmorency cherries. It had been years since I’d had fresh sour cherries. I love sour cherries. We had enough to make three batches of jam, so I tried it three different ways. Here’s the basic recipe. Batch #1 Basic… Read More
Sunday morning is slow, sometimes even lazy. We take our time, we plan out our day, we talk and laugh and enjoy our family time. We make a big pot of coffee. We eat. Not just to feed our bodies, but to feed our souls as well. We feed on the togetherness. We feed on… Read More
Do you have a recipe box? I’ve always wanted a simple wooden box that was divided into easy to find sections and recipes. But, this is what I have. Do you see that old and rescued blue leather 22 x 14 x 7-inch suitcase? Yes, that’s my recipe box. And it has a special spot… Read More
any MSG free recipes and substitutes for bouillon used to make my own, as the homemade recipes all contain flavored granules or bouillon which contain MSG
My MIL made the only thing I actually liked using the old fashioned citron fruit mix – a very soft cookie. Not a bar, just a regular cookie. Not particularly spicy, and more sponge cake like than a normal cookie. For some reason, the citron tasted good in this particular cookie. Other than in this... Read More
When I was a kid, my aunt used to can crab apples that I loved. Never thought to ask her for the recipe when she was alive, but a friend has a crab apple tree so loaded with crab apples, that some of the branches are touching the ground. When she told me that I... Read More