You can also take it one step further and drain it in cheesecloth to make yogurt cheese for crackers. It is delicious!! Especially with some sweet black cherry jam mixed in. YUM!!!
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 5 cups
Prep Time: 6-7 hours of sitting time Cook Time: 3 hours in crockpotIngredients
1/2 gal milk (you can use fresh or from the store)
1 cup plain yogurt
Put the milk in the crock-pot and turn on high until it’s almost boiling, but not quite. The instructions said about 3 hours, mine took 2. Shut off and let cool off until you can hold your finger in for 10 seconds. Mix in the plain yogurt. Put the top back on, leave the crock in the heating part, put a bath towel on the top to insulate and leave in a draft free area where it will cool down slowly. I stuck mine in the oven. Leave it for 6-7 hours cooling slowly. Mine was in there until this morning, about 12 hours, it was still a little warm.
This made 5 cups. You can now use 1 cup of this to make your next batch.
Categories: Crock Pot, Other Dairy
Submitted by: cindyp on April 21, 2010
CindyP says:
Discussion on this recipe here:
On April 21, 2010 at 10:36 am
rephiddy says:
I make crock pot yogurt all the time. It is so good and so good for you. Also very easy to make especially if you are going to be in or, around your kitchen all day. I set the timer to remind me of where I am in the process cause otherwise I would forget it. Everyone should try this recipe as you’ll be amazed how easy and how good it is for you. No more store bought (expensive) yogurt here.
On May 8, 2010 at 7:26 am
Elaine DeWitt says:
I could have sworn the first time I read this recipe it had 1 cup of dry milk and you used your next batch with 1 cup of the yogurt you had just made. Is this correct or have I dreampt this up. Please advise it is time for a new batch. Thank you
On February 5, 2011 at 7:36 am
Elaine DeWitt says:
When making the yogurt cheese do you let drain in the fridge or out on cabinet and do you cover it and for how long? Lots of questions I know. Just don’t want to waste the yogurt that is already so delicious.
On February 21, 2011 at 11:41 am
Euni Moore says:
Good morning Elaine. I drain my yogurt in a cheesecloth lined colander set into a large steel bowl. I let it drain overnight. In the winter I let it drain on the counter. In warmer weather I leet it sit overnight in an enclosed porch that is cool at night; summer nights are quite cool here in Colorado. The longer the yogurt drains the thicker it becomes. I keep the whey to use as liquid in my breads.
On February 21, 2011 at 2:00 pm
CindyP says:
Elaine, maybe over on the forum you read the dry milk? We’ve discussed it a lot there.
But yes, you can use a cup of powdered milk for a thicker yogurt. I do if I’m using lowfat milk or unltra-pasteurized. UP will work, but even with the dry milk, it’s not quite as thick as store bought, but it’s ok with me.
And yes, you can use 1 cup yogurt for your next batch (that’s the very last sentence in the directions).
Have fun!!!!
On February 5, 2011 at 7:45 am
Pete says:
Or it may have been here: http://chickensintheroad.com/cooking/homemade-yogurt-in-a-crock-pot-and-yogurt-cheese/
(Suzanne’s original post on the subject?)
On February 5, 2011 at 5:33 pm
Elaine DeWitt says:
My huaband loves the Activia yogurt becasue of the pro biotic in it(I think that is what it is called) ha! How could you make the crockpot version this healthy. Can it be purchased and added to your recipe.Probably a dumb question but it is worth a shot to ask right? When I was looking to ordering a yogurt maker it all included this with the purchase of the yogurt maker. Would it hurt to puchase and put into your recipe?
On February 27, 2011 at 9:16 pm
CindyP says:
Sure you can! Activia has a live strain of bifidus culture in it, hence the “Bifidus Regularis”. Make sure it’s plain Activia — The better-quality plain yogurt – the one with the fewer ingredients (e.g., just milk and live active cultures) has the most nutritional benefits. Look at your ingredients! See what’s in it before starting 🙂
There are other yogurts on the market that contain the same culture as Activia if you can’t find plain Activia.
On February 28, 2011 at 8:04 am
Elaine DeWitt says:
So I would just use the 1 cup of activia and it would fix the whole batch? But I would have to use it from the store each time I make a batch or could I then use the last cup to start a new batch as I have been doing.
On March 5, 2011 at 6:18 pm
CindyP says:
Activia should work the same as regular yogurt as long as it has active cultures in it and IS PLAIN. The first batch from using store bought yogurt is usually the best for using again to re-culture more milk. I make extra with that batch and freeze in 1 cup portions (an extra quart of yogurt will give you 4 starters).
On March 6, 2011 at 9:05 pm
Iris says:
How long does the yogurt keep ???
On October 6, 2012 at 9:41 am