A marmalade is defined as a jam-like product that includes citrus fruit and slivers of peel. This orange marmalade recipe comes from the Ball Blue Book, which also contains instructions for many other marmalades such as kumquat marmalade, red onion marmalade, cherry marmalade, and so on. But orange marmalade–this is the big mama marmalade! The marmalade of marmalades. The marmalade every other marmalade wishes it could be when it grows up.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Servings: 10 half-pints
Prep Time: 12-18 hours Cook Time: 10 minutesIngredients
Chop and slice everything up and combine it all in a big pot with the water. (Do not add sugar yet!) Bring to a boil then simmer for 5 minutes. Cover and let sit for 12-18 hours. I started my marmalade in the evening so I could let it sit overnight.
For me, the measurements took 5 large oranges and 2 medium lemons. I had some orange peel left over. You can use any remaining peels in other recipes, dried for potpourri, or even added to a tea ball to steep in your hot tea. No wasting!
After 12-18 hours, bring the pot to a rapid boil and cook until the peel is tender. (It will have already softened up some after sitting for hours.) When peel is very tender, turn off the heat and measure the mixture. I used a 2-cup measure and transferred it to a large bowl then dumped it all back into the big pot when I was done. Add one cup of sugar for every one cup of mixture. Turn on the heat under the pot again and stir until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. (Add a bit of butter to prevent foaming.) Cook rapidly almost to the gelling point.
As mixture thickens, keep stirring to prevent sticking. Remove from heat. Skim foam if necessary. Ladle hot marmalade into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Add lids and bands. Process 10-minutes in a hot water bath.
Categories: Boiling Water Bath, BWB Marmalades & Conserves, Canning, Preserving
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on November 27, 2010
angelinam says:
I made my first batch of Orange Marmalade yesterday. I got 9 1/2 – half pint jars from it and I can’t say enough about how happy I was with the end product. Homemade is far better than store bought Orange Marmalade! 🙂 Thank you so much Suzanne for the recipe. I got to try out my new Steamer Canner too, equally impressive! 6 cups of water,ten minutes to steam and ten to process Yayyy! 🙂
On February 29, 2012 at 8:22 am