This is no sissy, prissy, namby-pamby, modernized cut-the-sugar-and-butter pound cake. This is more power pound cake. This is full tilt, all-out, unabashed pound cake. This is your great-grandmother’s pound cake. This is pound cake the way pound cake was meant to be. With a pound of everything.
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 20
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 90 minutesIngredients
1 pound butter (4 sticks), softened
1 pound sugar (3 1/2 cups)
1 pound eggs (10 large)
2 tablespoons vanilla
1 pound all-purpose flour (4 cups)
1 teaspoon nutmeg
Cream butter and sugar; add eggs and vanilla. Mix well. Stir in flour and nutmeg. Grease a 10-inch tube or bundt pan and pour the batter in. Bake at 350-degrees for one hour and thirty minutes. (Cover with foil the last thirty minutes.) Invert and cool. Dust with powdered sugar, glaze it, or eat it plain, it’s all good!
Categories: Cakes, Desserts, Old-Fashioned
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on April 4, 2011
Melinda says:
I have had one of those “really sucky, nothing goes right, wish I was on vacation, really rotten” days today. I have enough eggs in the fridge from the chickens to feed half of the universe and had a real desire to have something sweet. I thought I would come online and find a pound cake recipe since I knew that would deplete some of my egg collection. I found this one and thought I would try it. It looks soooooooooooooo good as I pour it into the loaf pans (Daughter “borrowed” my bundt pan and I haven’t seen it in weeks!). It is in the oven now. The only thing I did different was omit the nutmeg and since I only had one tablespoon of vanilla left, I added 1 tablespoon almond extract. I will let you know how it turns out!
On April 6, 2011 at 10:14 pm
Melinda says:
well………I burned the cake!!!! I don’t know if my oven is off or what. I set it on 350 for one hour and ten minutes. The sides and bottom burned……bad. The top wasn’t completely done and the sides had already burned so I had to just finish. Not to be discouraged I took my handy dandy electric knife and cut away the sides and bottoms as closely as possible to remove the burned spots yet keep the lovely golden edges. THEN….I sliced a piece while it was still warm …just to test it….I had to cut another piece to be sure..HANDS DOWN the BEST pound cake recipe EVER! Thank you for posting!
On April 6, 2011 at 11:16 pm
Suzanne McMinn says:
Melinda, I’m so sorry it burned! Ovens can be a bit different so be sure to check. Also, another option is to bake in loaf pans. I haven’t done that so I’m not sure how many loaf pans, but I think two, possibly three if your loaf pans are on the small side.
On April 7, 2011 at 8:54 am
morningstar says:
Oh Melinda, I have had that happen to me with a chocolate marble cake. It is enough to make you cry isn’t it, especially when you start of in such good cheer of something nice. I am so pleased that it tasted real good though. I had to bin my cake even the hens didn’t fancy it and got all panicky just looking at it. Poor things probably thought it was some sort of alien!!!
On April 7, 2011 at 8:51 am
Melinda says:
Suzanne, next time I think I will line the loaf pans with parchment paper and start out with a cold oven. Maybe that will help.
Morningstar, i can sympathize!!
On April 7, 2011 at 9:38 am
Sandra-Holder says:
Suzanne, Thank you so much for sharing this recipe, it is the BEST! I grew up eating pound cake in the South. I have searched the internet over and came across your recipe. What a treasure it is! I am about to make my third one. Thanks again, Sandra
On March 26, 2013 at 9:22 pm
GMResseque says:
This recipe is not detailed enough for a novice baker! I was confused about the pound of sugar equaling 3 1/2 cups. I used granulated sugar instead of confectioners sugar. It’s in the oven now, and I am afraid it’s not going to come out right. Please review this recipe and elaborate about which sugar to use, for us novices. Thanks.
On June 28, 2014 at 9:03 am