This recipe makes 5 pies, or 4 if you’re using a larger, deep dish shell. Not a true “pumpkin pie”, it’s more of an egg custard pie with a little bit of pumpkin thrown in! I’ve even been known to bake just the filling as you would regular egg custard. This is my husband’s favorite pie of all time!
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 30
Prep Time: 15 minutes not counting crust time Cook Time: 30-45 minutesIngredients
1 can pumpkin
5 cans evaporated milk
5 eggs
2 1/2 cups sugar
3 Tbsp flour
1 tsp cinnamon
5 unbaked pie shells, or 4 if you’re using a larger deep dish shell
Mix pumpkin, eggs, sugar, flour, and cinnamon well in very large bowl. Add evaporated milk one can at a time, mixing well after each addition.
The mixture is very thin, so I usually position my empty pie shells in my oven, then use a large measuring cup with a pour spout to fill them. This alleviates my shaky hands spilling the filling in the oven. My other go-to method is to bat my eyes and ask my husband to carry them to the oven, that way if they get spilled, it’s his fault.
Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for 30-45 minutes. Pie will be done when center is set.
These pies freeze well…I usually flash freeze them, then place a square of waxed paper over the top of each pie and stack them.
Categories: Old-Fashioned, Pies
Submitted by: cnbash on December 8, 2010
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