Not sure where this came from, but it certainly sounds good! When our rhubarb grows some more (maybe next year?) we can test this out, and even try using some commercial pectin.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Servings: 5-1/2 half pints
2 pounds rhubarb, chopped
2 oranges
2 pounds sugar
Combine rhubarb and sugar in a pot and let sit over night.
Next morning, peel the oranges. Chop the pulp into small pieces and add to the rhubarb. Remove the white pith from the peel then cut into small pieces or strips. Add to rhubarb, orange and sugar mixture. Bring to boil and boil rapidly until jam stage is reached. (Times will vary, but in the neighborhood of 15 minutes, give or take.) Test on a cold plate. Pour hot marmalade into clean, hot jars and secure heated lids with bands.
Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Makes about 5-1/2 half pints.
Categories: BWB Marmalades & Conserves
Submitted by: pete on May 15, 2010
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