A fun Halloween cake to make with kids. (Old photo, sorry, but you get the idea!)
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 12 - 15
Prep Time: a few minutes to decorateIngredients
chocolate cake, baked, in 9 x 12 pan or sheet cake pan
chocolate icing
chocolate fudge-filled sandwich cookies
oval-shaped vanilla (with vanilla filling) sandwich cookies
icing writing pens
sprinkles and candy decorations such as skulls, pumpkins, gummy worms, marshmallow ghosts, etc
Top the baked chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Add chocolate sprinkles and/or crumbled chocolate sandwich cookies. Stick oval-shaped vanilla sandwiches cookies upright in the cake for tombstones–-write things on them like Eat Me! Help! RIP! I’m Alive! Marry Me! (It’s hard to write legibly on little cookies. I used Betty Crocker Food Writers.)
Categories: Budget, Cakes, Desserts, Entertaining, Holiday, Kid-Friendly, Special Occasions
Tags: Halloween
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on September 28, 2011
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