Crunchy Cat Treats for that special kitty in your life
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 24 approximately
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10-20 until brownIngredients
7 ounces of Mashed Sardines (you can also use Tuna, Chicken, Mackeral, Turkey, etc as long as it is ground or in very small pieces…whatever your kitty prefers)
1/4 cup of Dry Non-Fat Powdered Milk
1/2 cup of Wheat Germ
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix Mashed Sardines, or whatever protein you would like with 1/4 cup of dry powdered non-fat milk and the 1/2 cup of wheat germ. Mix ingredients well.
Roll into approximately 24 balls, place on greased cookie sheet and flatten with a fork.
Bake at 350 degrees until brown. Let cool, then give to those special kitties or wrap up for kitty kids who need them for a present.
***For CATS ONLY***
Categories: Pets
Submitted by: anghaley on December 5, 2010
Angelina says:
I just made a double batch of these for my 3 kitties and family kitties as well. Make sure you use sardines in water. Drain and mash with a fork, I found this to be easy and then just mixed it into the wheat germ and powdered milk. Rolled into balls about dime size to a quarter. I am not very consistent…I tried mashing with a fork but they kept sticking to the fork. Use your fingers, you already have sardine yuck on them from rolling into balls anyways. Light some candles if you can or your family will complain and it’s kinda hard getting through the smell 😛 I cooked mine for 15 minutes and they get a light golden color. Let cool and store in freezer if you made bulk. I’m gonna keep about a week supply in a container and just pull out of the freezer as they are needed. Let them get to room temp. first. Kitties don’t like popsicles, at least not mine. Have fun and get sardine stinky! 🙂
On December 11, 2010 at 3:50 pm