This is a mix of dried herbs to infuse with oil, then use for dipping bread and cheese.
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 16
Prep Time: 10 minutesIngredients
1/4 C rosemary crushed [not powder]
1/4 C thyme
1/4 C oregano
1/4 C basil [optional]
1/4 tsp fresh black pepper, ground
1 Tb salt
1 Tb red pepper flakes.
Mix well.
Use dried herbs so you can mix a bunch up and store it.
The rosemary needs to be crushed because eating whole rosemary is a little like eating splinters. If all you have is whole rosemary, then use half again as much rosemary and toss the whole mess into a grinder or food processor for a minute or two until the rosemary is crushed to a manageable size.
To serve, put a teaspoon of dipping herbs into a small dish and pour a tablespoon or so of olive oil over it. Add more oil or herb to taste. Dip your bread or cheese into it.
Experience will help you adjust the flavors in the next batch to suit you better – more or less salt, pepper, etc.
Tip: If you love this enough to eat it all quickly, it’s great if you make the mix and then add enough olive oil to cover it all. Stir it in and let it sit. The herb really infuses the oil, which helps meld the flavors. It’ll keep well for a couple of weeks in the fridge. Just add more oil when you’re ready to serve it.
Categories: Appetizers & Snacks, Condiments, Dips, Entertaining, Gourmet, Ingredients & Mixes, Other Condiments, Special Diets, Vegan, Vegetarian
Tags: Italian
Submitted by: rurification on April 12, 2011
TeaCup says:
I love this recipe!
I made gazpacho for dinner. The recipe I use says “1T seasoning” but that’s it. So, tonight I was trying to think what to use and added the dipping herbs. Wonderful!
On August 7, 2011 at 7:57 pm
TeaCup says:
I just made tomato/herb bread, with fresh herbs AND the dipping herbs as a swirl in the bread. It’s great hot (isn’t all bread?) we’ll see if it is still yummy after it cools down.
If it is, I’ll post the recipe, but if it is, a lot of the reason will be Robin’s dipping herbs!
On September 26, 2011 at 11:47 am
Puglover says:
My daughter and I enjoy pasta with just olive oil and herbs. I just toss in some of this mixture and drizzle with olive oil and we have a nice light meal (Hubby likes his with sauce.) This mix of herbs is a great way to add some zing to homemade garlic toast as well.
On May 5, 2012 at 11:37 am