Making soft cheese with ingredients from your kitchen.
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 8
Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: Approximately 20 minutesIngredients
1 Gallon Whole Milk
Juice of 1 Lemon OR 1/4 cup of vinegar (I have used both, whatever I had on hand)
Pour whole milk into a pot until it starts to bubble. Remove from heat, add lemon or vinegar, let stand 5 – 10 minutes until curds form.
Line a bowl with cheese cloth and pour contents into bowl. Gather the corners of the cheese cloth and remove from bowl. The whey should be yellow. I hang the cheese for a few minutes above my sink with a rolling pin and then press out any liquid. Season with salt (or anything) to taste and store in fridge up to a week. Melts easily.
Categories: Dairy, Hard Cheeses, Homemade Cheese
Submitted by: mintamichelle on November 3, 2010
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