Say hello to fowlers from Hamilton Ohio! Food interests: History, canning, and pleasing all who partake in my grub. Hobbies: Collecting vintage cookbooks, my Grandma’s dishes, antiquing, scrapping, and cooking, of course.. Q. What are your favorite things to cook? Depends on the day, time of the month, and who has inspired me that particular…
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Say hello to fowlers from Hamilton Ohio!
Food interests: History, canning, and pleasing all who partake in my grub.
Hobbies: Collecting vintage cookbooks, my Grandma’s dishes, antiquing, scrapping, and cooking, of course..
Q. What are your favorite things to cook?
Depends on the day, time of the month, and who has inspired me that particular day. I love preparing new dishes and trying them out on my 9 year old. If it passes by him, I know I’m good.
I’m famous for a few items: Shuck Beans, Lasagna, Pork Adobo, Chicken and Dumplings, and Corn Bread
Q. How/when did you learn to cook?
My great-grandma, grandmas on both sides, and my mother. I’ve worked in a few local (decent) restaurants also, and the chefs gave me lots of insight and short-cuts.
Q. Tell us about some of your cooking triumphs.
My first turkey dinner. I was, I think, 20. My family was coming over. I had to impress “the clan” and I did. I had no leftovers, which kinda sucked because I was planning on eating them the rest of the week!
Q. What was your most memorable cooking tragedy?
Well, the food was a success, but I about killed my future husband-to-be. We had been dating about two months. I got up and made him a very traditional breakfast (from my realm of the world any way). We had biscuits and sausage gravy, over-easy eggs, bacon and ham, hash browns, and fresh OJ, coffee for me.
It was prepared and ready upon his arrival to the table. He ate two plates full, leaned back, and said how good it was. Within 20 minutes or so, he was yelling at me! I’d tried to kill him. He was soooo sick! I was terrified. He was bent over in the bathroom just, well just imagine your worst. I cried and cried.
Soooo, that being said, my food was fine. I had eaten the same grub without any problems, but the boy (at the time) had never had “REAL” food, his mother (to save her life) raised five kids on, to this day, the FUNKIEST food known to mankind. He had never had (he said) sausage gravy or over-easy eggs. How is this possible?? She made her gravy out of, get this, olive oil, and her eggs were fried.
Q. Describe your kitchen. Do you love it, hate it, and why?
My kitchen, well it’s small. How I prepare what I have in the past, when folks see it, they just shake their heads and say “how” lol. I have about three useable feet of counter space, my walls are painted a shade of green called Lettuce Alone and my ceiling is Sunshine Yellow. My cabinets, thanks to my brother-in-law.s dad, are the best thing ever. He cut the panels out of my doors and inserted glass and installed vintage lead crystal pull handles and knobs on all of them. The cabinets were built on site right in the back yard with wood on the property. It’s an old farmhouse, small, quaint, and creaky. I love my little kitchen, but it would not hurt my feelings if someone wanted to gut it and make it bigger for me. (Hint hint.)
Q. Is your pantry organized and are your kitchen drawers tidy? We need to know.
Yes, I’m anal retentive, I don’t like not being able to find something, and knowing what I’m in need of. I’m a mess other places in life. The kitchen has to be tidy.
Q. Do you have any favorite family cooking traditions?
Yes, depending on who you are, you get a special meal made just for you. Holidays, we feast! As how it should be. At Christmas, I spend days and days preparing candy, cookies and cakes. I LOVE Christmas.
Q. What is the one gadget (or ten) you couldn’t do without in your kitchen?
A sharp knife. My favorite is a filet knife that you get out of the hunting and fishing section at Walmart. I’ve bought two now in 30 years. It’s by Rapala.
Q. If you had to take one food to a deserted island, what would it be?
Butter. Everything taste better with butter! No, really it does!
Q. What is your go-to comfort food?
Cereal, I’m a sugar junky, but cereal is one of my weaknesses.
One of fowlers’ favorite recipes that’s been submitted to Farm Bell:
- Homemade Beef Vegetable Soup (for canning)
See all of fowlers’ recipes and/or blog posts!
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Categories: Meet the Cook
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on August 28, 2012
Connie says:
Liked your post. My daughter and her family are living in our camper in Hamilton temporarily. Theymoved from NM and are waiting to close on their home.
On August 28, 2012 at 8:22 am
fowlers says:
Thanks Suzanne for putting me in the “Spotlight” I love this sight! Just so ya know!~
Connie, where if I may ask:: I hope they are having a great success:: we live on the outskirts between Hamilton and Oxford: are you close by as well?
On August 28, 2012 at 9:24 am
Mrs.Turkey says:
Good morning Fowlers….thanks for asking me to be your friend. Once I figure out how to do that…I will ha ha
I loved ythe sound of your soup recipe…but I don’t have a pressure cooker canner. I only have one for BWB!
Mrs. Turkey
On August 28, 2012 at 10:48 am
fowlers says:
Hahaha, I feel your pain::I’m just now figuring out how to navigate around here::: I’m not the smartest cookie in the batch when it comes to technology:: lol I’m still learning, my 9 year old does a better job at this stuff than I ! Just sayin:::)
On August 28, 2012 at 11:32 am
Connie says:
I’m not sure of the exact location. A friend of theirs just bought an older farm house on 8 acres and is letting them stay there until they can move into their house near LaKota schools. (sp). I live near Canton, OH. My son-in-law got a new job at GE Aviation in Cin. I do have relatives that live in Hamilton also. The Work Family.
On August 28, 2012 at 11:22 am
fowlers says:
Aha, whelp that’s on the other side of the river from me: Very good school district though! Good for them! If I’m not mistaken, I went to school with some w/ the last name “Work” can’t remember first names?? I can’t remember what I did this morning for that matter: lol
On August 28, 2012 at 11:29 am
Connie says:
Jessica or Amanda?
On August 28, 2012 at 1:58 pm
fowlers says:
Connie, just can’t quite rememeber??? lol:: sorry?? it may come to me later though??? lol,,that happens a lot w/ me:: I just shout out some random name, and my family just shake their heads and walk away! lol
On August 28, 2012 at 2:05 pm
Stephanie says:
hi fowlers! i love seeing folks on here from around me. i’m north of y’all in huber heights.
On August 28, 2012 at 11:43 am
fowlers says:
Hi Stephanie, nice to meet you too:: yep your not to far from here! Funny thing: small world, ya never know how you will meet a future friend and neighbor! lol
On August 28, 2012 at 11:46 am
rileysmom says:
Pleased to “meet” you, fowlers!
On August 28, 2012 at 1:21 pm
fowlers says:
Right back atcha!!!!
On August 28, 2012 at 1:41 pm
STH says:
Hi, fowlers! Fun post, and I love cereal, too–in fact, it’s one of those things (like potato chips) that I just don’t buy because I can’t be trusted with it in the house!
On August 29, 2012 at 12:20 am
fowlers says:
STH:::I have ate a whole bag of Captain Crunch like/type cereal since last week::it’s prob. a 3 to 4 pound bag:: quite large:::my hips are cussing me daily!!!I LOVE cereal, however,,,,,I’m pretty sure it’s made by the Devil!!!it’s so BAD!
On August 29, 2012 at 8:56 am
cincyjojo says:
Hey there Fowlers! Finally, a chicken sista in my neck of the woods! I’m in Mason! @ Stephanie, were you at the retreat last year? Hey Connie in Canton! We come up your way to go to Lehmann’s in February. We all need to meet up sometime!
On September 3, 2012 at 6:01 pm
Connie says:
Love Lehman’s Hardware!
On September 3, 2012 at 9:51 pm
lizinohio says:
Hi Fowlers….nice to meet a fellow Ohioian. I use to live in the Cincinnati area, still work in the area, but live up north these days. Just wanted to say hi.
On September 3, 2012 at 9:57 pm
fowlers says:
Hi everyone::::glad to meet all of you:: I would soooo love to go to Suzanne’s retreat! But the crazy convicts and such will not allow me to to take a much needed vacation! lol::::oh well, at least I have a job, so I should not complain to much!!! (Maybe::we could con Suzanne into coming to OHIO to visit w/ all of us for a while) hint hint::: hee hee
On September 4, 2012 at 8:52 am