This was a real hit as gifts in Christmas baskets, and it was enjoyed at home as well. Lovely with cream cheese.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Servings: 6-7 half pints
Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutesIngredients
1/4 cup chopped seeded fresh chiles — see * Note
3/4 cup chopped seeded bell peppers — (use same color as chiles)
6 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
1 pouch liquid pectin – (6 oz)
food coloring — (optional)
* Note: Any hot chile pepper can be used, but don’t mix them if you want the distinct flavor of that variety.
In 6- to 7-quart nonreactive pan (glass, enamel or stainless steel; a non-aluminum pan), combine peppers, sugar and vinegar. Boil for 2 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes. Add pectin and 1 or 2 drops of food coloring, if using. Bring to a rolling boil. Boil for 1 minute. (Note: Do not exceed pectin manufacturer’s recommended time.)
Pour into hot, sterilized jelly jars. Wipe rims with clean, damp cloth. Seal with sterilized lids and caps. Process for 5 minutes in boiling-water canner.
Once opened, store in the refrigerator.
Pete’s notes: This is a fairly mild pepper jelly, as written. Next time I will add more chiles. I did use the red bells with the red chiles, and got a slightly pinkish jelly. I did not add the food coloring and got 6 half pints total.
Photo note: The bits of pepper in the pic above are not really what you want to have in your finished project! This was my first ever attempt to make jelly. The pepper bits rose to the top, so I inverted the jars trying get them to distribute through the jars. You will also notice that there are air bubbles. This came from turning the jars after they had cooled. The head space looks wonky, but was fine to start with. It got this way from my poor execution with the turning. (It was a learning experience – and the finished product tasted great!)
Categories: BWB Jams, Jellies, Butters & Preserves, Canning
Submitted by: pete on April 23, 2010
Pete says:
Second year trying this recipe! Because it was tad on the mellow side (which is fine if eating from the jar, but not hot enough if adding to cream cheese) I made it with half chiles and half bell peppers. Also, this year I doubled the recipe and used only 12 cups sugar total. Didn’t want to reduce the sugar TOO much with the added heat.
The flavor this way was terrific! Really, really like it, and so far it does seem sweet enough. Final yield was 11 half pints, with a nice bit left over for the cook.
On November 9, 2010 at 4:45 pm