Making your own lard is easy! It’s fresh, natural, and not hydrogenated like store-bought lard, and if you grew your own pig, you know exactly what it was fed. I hear tell it makes the best pie crusts in the world and I can hardly wait to make some. I made my first homemade lard this week and was instantly hooked. No more lard from the store for me. Lard has a bad rap, but don’t let the Crisco people fool you. You should see what’s in shortening! Lard, home-rendered, is actually good for you. Generations before us thrived on traditional fats, which are much healthier for you than man-made. Lard is a real, natural food–don’t be afraid of it!
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: varies
Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 12 hoursIngredients
pork fat
To render lard for baking, the best pork fat is kidney, back, or belly fat. Freeze the fat first to make it easier to handle–cutting up the fat is a messy job. Chop it into about 1-inch pieces. (Some people even grind the frozen fat. The smaller the pieces of fat you start with, the quicker it will render.) How much fat you render at once doesn’t matter–-however much you want to work with at a time. (For step by step photos of the process, click the Attribution link above.)
Use a large cast iron kettle or dutch oven to cook it on the stovetop or cook it in a crock pot or the oven. Cook the fat any way you choose-–the method is similar no matter which way you do it. I use a crock pot with enough fat to about fill up my small 3 1/2-quart crock pot. This renders down to a quart of regular, creamy-white baking lard plus a half-pint of what is called savory lard and the cracklins. (You actually get three products out of one job! The mild baking lard, the savory lard, and the guilty pleasure of the cracklins.)
First add water to cover the bottom of the pot or pan you’re using to cook the lard then add a layer of fat pieces. The water will eventually cook out–it’s just there at the start while you get the first pieces of fat melting so the fat doesn’t stick to the bottom.
Cook the lard slowly. I set my crock pot on low and kept the pot uncovered throughout the process. When you see the first pieces of fat floating and turning white, the rendering has begun.
Go ahead and put in the rest of the fat.
You can stir it occasionally, but it doesn’t need a whole lot of attention. It knows what it’s doing. It doesn’t need your help. The pieces will float as the amount of melted fat increases.
Eventually, the pieces of fat will sink to the bottom–those are your cracklins-to-be. Stick a spoon in there and you’ll see your nice, clear liquid fat. The cracklins will still have a puffy fatness to them. (Not crispy yet.)
You want to render your good, mild baking lard before you finish the cracklins. When you see the pieces sinking, it’s time to get the good stuff. In my crock pot on low, this takes about 12 hours.
Line a colander with cheesecloth.
Strain the lard into the colander. I used a bowl underneath to catch it that has a pour spout, the easier to then pour my lard into a canning jar for storage.
Be careful, pour slowly-–you’ll make a mess if you pour it out too quickly. This first rendering of clarified lard is perfect for pie crusts and other baking uses (and also for soapmaking). It will be mild and turn a gorgeous white once it sets. Chill it quickly for best texture. I put mine in the freezer for about an hour then once it started to set, transfer it to the fridge.
Dump the cracklins back in the crock pot and return the heat to low. Cook the cracklins for about another hour and a half, until they are crispy and golden.
Cracklins are delicious sprinkled over salads or on top of casseroles. (Think Durkee fried onions and green bean casserole. Anything where you’d use fried onions, you could use cracklins.)
Again, I strain the lard into a cheesecloth-lined colander, clarifying this second rendering, then set aside the cracklins to cool. After the cracklins are cool, you can use them right away or freeze them for later. Pour the strained second rendering into a small jar. This is what is referred to as “savory” lard. Because it’s made from cooking down the cracklins, it has a much stronger flavor. You can use it for various savory cooking purposes-–it’s just probably not something you’d want for apple pie. It will set to a light amber color.
To store your home-rendered lard, choose whatever method you prefer. You can keep it in the fridge (or freezer, if you’ve made a large quantity at once). You can store it right on the pantry shelf–-many people say they do that. You can even can it. I keep mine in the fridge.
Making your own lard is incredibly easy and takes you another step closer to your food and its origins (and even more natural homemade soap). Any recipe that calls for shortening–-pie crust, cookies, biscuits, frying french fries, and so on can be made with lard instead of shortening. The rendering process does take a good amount of time, so be sure to take that into account in making your plans. You can cut the fat up the night before, stick it in the fridge to keep, then start it in the crock pot first thing in the morning. How long it takes for you will vary depending on the amount of fat and the starting size of your fat pieces. Remember, however, that the rendering needs little tending while it’s taking place.
I want to thank Cathy, who inspired me with her lard-making experience. You can read a whole discussion on the Chickens in the Road forum here about making lard. The discussion also includes links to other resources on methods of rendering and also on canning lard. You can render fat from any animal, by the way. It’s an amazingly simple process that is old-fashioned, natural, and traditional–and as good today as it was for the generations that came before us.
Categories: Crock Pot, Old-Fashioned, Tips & Tricks
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on August 9, 2010
angela p says:
I tried this but Im not sure I did ir right…is it suppose to smell???? Mine didnt turn out as white either? Help…..
On August 14, 2010 at 9:00 am
Suzanne McMinn says:
Angela, it should smell like pork when you’re cooking it, but not in a bad way. When you you save the first lard, it should be clear and turn white when it cools. If it’s not white, you may have cooked it too long before saving the first, pure lard.
On August 14, 2010 at 8:22 pm
Kodabear says:
Suzanne – Thanks so much for this article. During my youth, we had a small grocery store and cut up all of the meat that we sold in the store, so I also grew up rendering lard. Daddy cooked it, so I may not have noticed that he added water to keep the fat from sticking. I’m sure that’s why my recent experiments were not turning out so well. I do recall my father adding several whole potatoes to the lard, saying that the lard would be ready when the potatoes were done. Thanks again for your tips.
On April 9, 2013 at 2:16 am