Tortillas aren’t hard to make, and you can even make the dough in advance and freeze it to thaw and cook anytime.
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 12 tortillas
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: few minutes for each tortillaIngredients
2 cups masa (instant corn masa flour)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Measure masa into a bowl. Add salt. Start with 1 1/4 cups water, adding more a tablespoon at a time until you get to a workable consistency where you can ball up a piece with your fingers that will stick together and not crumble back apart. Add water until it is NOT crumbly at all, but try to not add too much or your tortillas will be sticky and hard to work with. Divide into 12 small balls.
Cover the balls of dough with a damp cloth to keep them from drying out while you’re cooking.
Place a cast iron skillet on high heat. (Cast iron works best–you need something that can take high heat with no oil.) Open the tortilla press and lay a piece of plastic wrap across the bottom of it. Place a ball of masa toward the hinged end. (Not in the middle! I’ve found that placing it toward the hinge created much nicer, rounder tortillas.) Place another piece of plastic on top and close the press, pushing down on it to flatten the ball. Peel off the plastic carefully. NOTE: A less flimsy alternative is to cut apart a gallon-size baggie and use the two pieces instead of plastic wrap.
Fry each side about one minute on high heat. I do the first side another 20-30 seconds after the second side. Keep the operation moving–-as you’re frying one tortilla, press another. Move each tortilla as it’s finished onto a plate or into a tortilla keeper and cover.
Categories: Breads, Tortillas & Pitas
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on April 6, 2011
Jen says:
Just tried this today. Didn’t go well at all! Okay, it went SO BAD! I used up the whole bag of masa, just trying to come up with something somewhat “NORMAL”. My kitchen was messed up, I was messed up, and finally, I came up with some odd round thingies that were passable. Tired, I just threw them in the oven for a few minutes and called it a day! WHEW! Okay, too long really, as they were almost hard, but they worked as “pizza tacos”……..I guess. I mean, how hard is it to make corn tortillas?!? I guess too HARD for me! Hubby quit eating his after awhile, saying they hurt his teeth and he didn’t want to lose any. The boys and I ate 2-3 of them and enjoyed them. I didn’t have a tortilla press nor have I ever seen one of those things, so I did the shaping(this was the HELL part!)by hand, and yes, they were a bit too small, even after I tried using metal spatulas and a rolling pin to “try” and spread them out a bit and flatten them! FAILED! Anyway, I don’t know if I’d try this again, but I hate giving up until I get something down! AARGH! Oh, and the recipe on the back of the bag was terrible! I threw out a couple of batches because of it! I then used the one on here, and voila! I had much BETTER results! I don’t know why I just didn’t start with yours from the beginning! DUH! It sure would’ve saved more time! Anyway, thanks for the recipe!
On August 14, 2011 at 8:26 pm