I call this Bavarian Jello because that is what I heard it called when I was a kid. It’s flavoured jelly powder (Jell-O) mixed with whipped cream. And. It’s. Delicious.
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 4
1 box of jelly powder (Jell-O), any flavor
whipped topping (Cool-Whip)
Make up box of jelly powder according to the directions on the box–one package with 1 cup of boiling water.
Stir until it is dissolved. Then add 1 cup of cold water. I put chopped ice in the 1 cup measure before I add the cold water. It makes the jelly powder “set” more quickly.
When it is almost set, or half set, use an electric mixer and beat in whipped topping. Put into whatever container you want to use and put it in the refrigerator. It will harden in a few hours.
I like to layer it with clear jelly powder and fruit in glasses.
Categories: Jell-O
Tags: Summer
Submitted by: runningtrails on February 6, 2011
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