After I found Suzanne’s Grandmother Bread recipe, my brother wanted it perfected into a bread machine recipe. This is what I came up with! This makes a 2# loaf.
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 1 - 2# loaf
Prep Time: 2 min Cook Time: Varies by Bread MachineIngredients
1 2/3 c warm water
4 c flour
2 1/2 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 pkt (1 scant Tbsp) yeast
**the bread machine creates a rougher texture than by hand, you can add 2 Tbsp lard, butter, shortening and cut back on the water if you want a smoother loaf.
Add ingredients to bread pan in the order listed.
Select cycle (Mine is Basic). Start.
Make sure to always check the dough after a couple minutes of mixing; the dough should have a “sticky note” feel on the backs of your knuckles.
** You can also just select the “dough” cycle, put in pans when the cycle is done, let rise, then bake in oven at 350 for about 25 min.
Categories: Bread Machine, Breads, Yeast Breads
Submitted by: cindyp on May 8, 2010
Jan Jones says:
Thank you for the recipe. I love Suzanne’s recipe for Grandmother Bread and make it frequently as I bake bread of some sort every day. I have not purchased bread in the store for almost nine months and my family benefits from my extra efforts. OK, I made this last night as a trial and it is AWESOME, It was nice not to worry about putting it in the oven. Actually I got a new stove for my birthday and I just learned the technique of turning the stovetop burners on. Took me almost 15 minutes to make the clock stay on…… my oven has convection and/or regular bake cycle selection…. WAY TOO many options for an old cook like myself. I almost ask for my old stove back. LO and BEHOLD the Breadman came out of its box and got used and now I love it and the recipe is so beautiful. Thank you for your efforts in making our day in the kitchen so rewarding.
On May 20, 2010 at 10:30 am
kellyb says:
I just made this in my bread machine. It is wonderful. I substituted 1 cup rolled oats for 1 cup of flour. I added 2 tablespoons of oil as you suggested. I used the bread machine to mix the dough then shaped and allowed the second rise to occur in the pan. The loaf is ENORMOUS. We were going to get ice cream but we decided to eat bread with homemade peach jelly. Delicious.
On July 28, 2010 at 7:03 pm
JOJO says:
Hi Cindy–this has to be the best bread machine bread recipe ever, and I have tried most all of them, I have been using a machine sice they first came out, my first one looked like a little robot, I have only had 2 of them all these yeats. I use the dough cycle because I can do the kneading, I have problems with my shoulders and hands, I read all the negative about the machines that are posted, but I am thankful to have mine.
Last week I was out of bread and went to Kroghers to pick up a loaf, and nearly fainted-$3.98 for a load of decent bread 15 slices in the bag!!?? I was schoked. Even the younger bakers or anyone who doesnt have time to do the bread by had–get a machine and use it–give your family good healthy bread, there is no sin to using a machine, but there again dont feed them awful “chemical” bread.
Thank you.
On September 22, 2010 at 3:18 pm
JOJO says:
LOL–I should have checked my spelling!!
On September 22, 2010 at 3:21 pm
sesamekaren says:
Question, my bread machine is for 1 1/2 loaves, can u help me reduce ingredients? Thank you!
On March 29, 2014 at 2:43 pm