Here’s something fun – not exactly a recipe, but ……. from Country Woman magazine July/August 2002
Difficulty: Intermediate
Servings: several
1 green foam board 17 7/8″ X 11 7/8″ X 5/16″
wooden fencing 60″ long X 2 1/2″ high (I use less by using on the front and sides only)
U pins from the floral department
wooden skewers
decorative elements such as miniature scarecrow, birds, et.
1 can of baby corn
leaf lettuce or other large leafy greens, washed and dried
assorted prepped veggies
your favorite veggie dip
The base is a slab of green styrofoam covered with leaf lettuce and held in place with U pins. The fencing can be bought at craft stores such as AC Moore or Michael’s. Attach it with U pins also. The veggies speak for themselves LOL – well, the ‘corn stalks’ are green onions sliced and curled in ice water. They are a bit tricky to finish – you slide a wooden skewer up inside the onion and attach a baby corn. Thought this was a good time to share this – the scarecrow and crows are easy to find late Summer and into the Fall.
I keep all the non-edible parts in a shopping bag hung in the basement for the next garden 🙂
Little washtubs or wheelbarrows are fun to add to – good for dips if they are food safe.
Categories: Appetizers & Snacks, Dips, Low-Carb, Low-Fat, Low-Sodium, Vegan, Vegetarian
Submitted by: wvhomecanner on April 23, 2010
Dede ~ wvhomecanner says:
Commenting to bring this forward as a fun way to do a veggie tray in the Fall. Not hard to do and is so darn cute!
On September 28, 2011 at 8:46 pm