Thank you for posting on Farm Bell Recipes! We’re glad you’re here! Please abide by the following guidelines when posting recipes.
Attribute recipe sources to the best of your ability as follows in these examples:
“Woman’s Day Cookbook.”
“My own recipe.”
“My mom’s recipe.”
“My sister’s recipe.”
“I found this, but I don’t remember where.”
Website link or magazine name.
At times the source of a recipe might be clouded by time or by seeing the recipe repeated around the internet. We simply ask that you do your best to honor your source whenever possible. Please share recipe ingredients and instructions only. Do not copy creative content that belongs to someone else. (Stealing is bad.)
When posting photographs, please post photographs only if they belong to you or if you have permission to use them. If posting a photo taken by someone else, please provide documentation of permission to use the photo to FBRblog(at)
Also please note that all canning recipes must include processing by boiling water bath or pressure (depending on the type of food). Open kettle canning recipes will either be edited to include appropriate instructions (if we can find them) or removed from the posting queue.
When posting on Farm Bell Recipes, you are agreeing to these guidelines.
Thank you!
For further assistance, please see the Help page for contact information.
(Guidelines written with thanks to Canning2 at Yahoo.)