Simple semi-dry blush wine from juice concentrate – perfect for summer sipping!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Servings: 6 gallons or 28 (750mL) bottles
9 (12oz) cans raspberry white grape concentrate, thawed
9 (12oz) cans peach white grape concentrate, thawed
10 c sugar
6 tsp. acid blend
6 tsp. yeast nutrient
6 campden tablets, crushed
3 tsp. pectic enzyme
1 pkg wine yeast
Mix all ingredients EXCEPT yeast in primary fermentor. Specific gravity should be between 1.092 – 1.099, if below, add sugar as necessary. Cover primary. After 24 hours, add yeast. Cover primary and attach airlock.
When ferment is complete (specific gravity has dropped to 1.000 – about 3 weeks) siphon to clean secondary. To aid clearing, siphon every two weeks for the next two months or until wine is clear. Bottle. Can be enjoyed immediately, or aged to mellow the flavor.
*If preferred slightly sweetened, at bottling add 1/2 tsp. stabilizer then stir in 1/2 cup dissolved sugar per gallon.
Formula for wine alcohol percentage:
(Starting SG – Ending SG)/.8 = alcohol percentage!
Categories: Beverages
Tags: Beverage, Juice, Peach, Raspberry, Wine
Submitted by: nlchandler87 on April 16, 2013
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