Lemon curd is an old-time treat that was traditionally served with biscuits or toast. It also finds its way into tarts (and other small pastries), pies, and even cakes. Lemon meringue pie is basically lemon curd in a pie shell. Lemon curd is a very simple concoction of sugar, lemon juice, eggs (sometimes just the yolks, sometimes yolks and whites both), sometimes lemon zest, and often butter. Cream is sometimes also folded in to make a lighter curd.
Place sugar in a medium-sized pan over a pot of simmering water in a double-boiler. Gradually whisk in lemon juice. (Do NOT substitute bottled lemon juice for fresh in this recipe. It’s just not the same.)
Add eggs and egg yolks, continuing to whisk steadily. Whisk over medium to medium-high heat, 10 to 15 minutes, until mixture thickens. (If it’s not thickening, increase the heat, being careful to continue whisking. I recommend using a double-boiler especially if you’re not using the cornstarch.) It should be about the consistency of hollandaise sauce. Add butter, whisking to blend. Cook, continuing to whisk, one to two more minutes. Remove pan from heat. Stir in lemon zest.
Transfer to a bowl and place plastic wrap over it, pressing over the top to prevent a skin from forming. Chill. The lemon curd will continue to thicken as it cools. This recipe makes about 3 cups lemon curd. Store refrigerated for one to two weeks. After the lemon curd is thoroughly chilled, you can fold in up to a cup of heavy clotted or whipped cream to lighten the texture and flavor, if you wish.
Lemon curd, by the way, is simply the best-known in a family of fruit curds. Other popular fruit curds include lime, orange, raspberry, cranberry, blackberry, and even mango. (Shout-out to the steam juicers among us–fruit curd is another way to use your juice!) To make fruit curd using any other juice, just replace the cup of lemon juice with a cup of other juice and continue with the recipe. If using lime or orange, add the zest of that fruit. If using another fruit, either leave the zest out or add some lemon, lime, or orange zest. Imagine cranberry curd with orange zest! (Yum.)
Categories: Dairy, Desserts, Eggs, Entertaining, Fillings, Old-Fashioned, Special Occasions, Steam Juicer, Tarts
Submitted by: suzanne-mcminn on July 15, 2010
Tuza says:
I made this!! I’ve adored lemon curd for years and was mystified by the stuff then got the recipe and made it. Let me tell you, forget “stores in the refrigerator for 2 weeks” you’ll be lucky to have any in 24 hours IT’S SO GOOOOOOOD.
I would eat a few spoonfulls of it then put it away and walk into the next room, in a few minutes I was back scooping out a bit more then walk away. A few minutes later my head is stuck into the refrig again getting more. It was like the curd was calling my name, I was a curd zombie lost to it’s power.
I had hoped to make the english muffin bread listed here and put some of the curd on it but alas I didn’t stop that day till every bit of curd was digesting inside me.
Send the family to the movies and stay home, make up a batch and sit in the kitchen with a spoon and enjoy.
On October 19, 2010 at 7:48 am
justdeborah2002 says:
This lemon curd is nirvana!
On May 29, 2011 at 5:45 pm
stopeswife says:
Can I can the lemon curd and if so what is the process for that?
On August 16, 2011 at 1:52 pm
Suzanne McMinn says:
I’ve never canned it, but there is a recipe and instructions for canning lemon curd on the forum here:
On August 16, 2011 at 2:11 pm