Recipe Requests

January 23, 2012 - Jason’s Deli (chain) Ginger Muffins

Jason’s Deli is a fast-casual chain. They sell ginger muffins that are very soft and spicy but have large and chewy top. I am not sure if they are pumpkin. Does anyone know how they are made?

December 28, 2011 - Canned Peaches Jelly or Jam

I’d like to make some jelly or jam using canned peaches. Can anyone help on this matter? it would really help me out…I’m in the process of making a kool-aid jelly which is easy so far, but I’d like to make some out of canned peaches. I will be using a waterbath. Thanks

December 23, 2011 - Beef Tenderloin

I am cooking a beef tenderloin for my first time on Christmas! Are there any recipe suggestions?

December 4, 2011 - Quick Mix Scones

Has anyone made scones from Suzanne’s Quick Mix? I made them this morning using (gasp) Bisquick, but was wondering how much shortening to put in them if I wanted to make the quick mix and use it.

December 3, 2011 - Chiffon Pie

When I was a child, my mother used to make Chiffon Pie, and it was my favorite dessert. I helped her make it, and remember “borrowing” her recipe when I was first married, but now I can’t find it! I have searched online, but nothing seems to match what I remember. From what I remember...
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November 22, 2011 - Thanks to all!

Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all the wonderful recipes, ideas, and inspiring words submitted. This is probably NOT the place to do that, but hey! This community means so much to me that this Thanksgiving week just could not go by without my telling you. OK, OK, enough of that!...
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November 2, 2011 - Bean Soups

How about some recipes for various types of bean soups? I bought a ready-made mix the other day for Navy Bean Soup, and it made four bowls of soup for under $5, and it was really good. I’d like to learn to make my own because you can freeze soups and stews easily and have...
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October 27, 2011 - Olive Loaf or Bologna

I would like to try making homemade olive loaf luncheon meat or bologna. If any one has ever done this, I would love to have a recipe. I know it is baked and not smoked, so it can’t be too hard to make.

October 18, 2011 - Puffed Tortilla w/Queso Tex-Mex style

I’m looking for the queso recipe used to make something I use to get when I lived in Texas or when I go home to visit. It’s usually a fried corn tortilla that’s puffed not flat. Then it is covered with chili con queso. At least that is what we called it. If not the...
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October 3, 2011 - Homemade Dog Food

Does any one have balanced recipe for dog food? I’m interested in “wet” type recipe . I made one today with ground turkey, carrots, brown rice and hard boiled eggs but am concerned about having enough nutrients. I am also interested in kibble recipe.

October 2, 2011 - Apple jelly-jam

I am looking for some different recipes for Apples. Want something different than the old standards. Thanks

October 1, 2011 - Cobalt blue jars

Can anyone help me find a source(s) for cobalt blue canning jars? I know they are available, I just can’t seem to find them. PLEASE HELP!

September 28, 2011 - Halloween Recipes to be Made with Kids

I have a seven year old and two four year olds. I would like to make some fun treats with them for Halloween. I was referred to FBR from the forum. I would love to see if anyone has any great recipes. I’m hoping for some photos too (is that even possible?) because I have...
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September 27, 2011 - Cream-Style corn, home canned

Anyone make their own cream-style corn, like the stuff you get in the market? One of our TNT easy fix, used to be cheap, recipes is a corn cheese soup, which uses creamed corn as its primary ingredient. I used to be able to feed us both for < $3. Lately however, the corn is...
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September 7, 2011 - Ball canning jars identification chart link

Looking for the Ball jar chart, I think the link was posted here, can’t find it. My sister just gave me two old blue jars from her collection (thanks, Sis!) and I was wondering how old they are.

August 10, 2011 - Apple Jelly made from Apple Juice?

There is a recipe posted on the blog, but my jelly didn’t set up. Can I rebatch the jelly that I canned and try to add more pectin to thicken it up? Is that possible to do? Has anyone done this with success? I don’t want to throw out all the jelly I (tried to...
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July 31, 2011 - Keeping caramelized onions?

I just found the world’s easiest recipe for caramelizing onions. (3 lb onions, 1 stick butter…put it in a crock pot on low for approx 8 hours, until it’s caramel colored!) I know I can freeze these. But, if I knew how to can, could I can them? I don’t know if butter is “can-able”....
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July 27, 2011 - Homemade Nutri Grain Bars

My 14 month old is not a fan of hard cereals (Cheerios), but she loves Nutrigrain bars. I’m just not crazy about their cost or ingredient list (compared to something homemade). I’ve tried a recipe I found online, but it just tasted like mushed up and baked cheerios. Does anyone have a recipe for homemade...
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July 15, 2011 - Suzanne’s Italian-Style Tomato Sauce

Hi, Suzanne! Really enjoy your site – read it every day. Is it possible to can your Italian-Style Tomato Sauce, and if so – how? It looks really good, and could be used in so many different dishes. Thanks! Lana

July 12, 2011 - Pickled Pea Pods?

Okay, I either planted too many or I just REALLY must like Asian-type peas. What is now enough, will likely soon become too much. So, is there a recipe for pickling these? I’d like them to stay crunchy, if possible. Or, do people not do this because they just fall apart when cooked or…? I...
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June 17, 2011 - Asian Beef with star anise

Anyone have a TNT recipe/method? My local Chinese restaurant serves what they call ‘Beef in Special Sauce’ which looks to be pieces of less than tender beef braised with onion in a beef and soy broth with pieces of star anise. I am usually not a fan of licorice flavor or anise but THIS dish...
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June 14, 2011 - Cinnamon Syrup

Anyone know how to make cinnamon syrup like the Savannah Cinnamon Mix? I am looking to make this for my Dad for Father’s Day. He loves to add it to his coffee and I cannot find anywhere to buy it locally.

June 7, 2011 - Chocolate Cake (Low Sugar)

I am looking for a chocolate cake that doesn’t require a lot of sugar. Hub’s b-day is coming up and he’s just learned he has mild diabetes. He’s done very well cutting out added sugar, but definitely wants a cake. Maybe a torte-like recipe with more nuts than flour? Anyone?

June 4, 2011 - Yeast dinner rolls using mashed potatoes

My great aunt from WV used to make delicious homemade yeast rolls. I remember her boiling potatoes to add to the dough, but I never watched to see what she did to the potatoes and how she completed the process to make the dough. Does anyone have that old fashioned recipe? I would really like...
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June 2, 2011 - Dill Pickles

I am looking for a super crunchy dill pickle recipe. Any ideas would be great!

May 14, 2011 - Help! Vegan recipes needed!

My firstborn has just informed me that today is the first day of his week long project – Going Vegan – for his public speaking class. You have to understand, this boy would gnaw at a cow on the hoof if he could and now we have to come up with tasty, filling (he’s a...
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May 10, 2011 - Okra help?

Hi everybody – I’m in need of a recipe for fried okra. I lost my mom 4 years ago and have been trying every summer since to make fried okra like hers. No such luck! I’ve tried several different recipes and they just aren’t right. I helped her make it many times and I know...
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